
#125 How do we advocate for free ECEC after COVID-19?

Australia’s early education sector has been given a huge shake-up during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Child Care Subsidy system was replaced with a Government Relief Package that provided centres with 50% direct Government funding, and eliminated the usual gap fee paid by parents. In effect, children are now getting their early education for free. But the current funding system is short term and doesn’t fit all centres. This episode, we’re going to ask the question - how do we advocate for properly-funded, permanent, universal and free early education after COVID-19?


Minister for Education Dan Tehan interview with Patricia Karvelas, ABC Afternoon Briefing 
'Free childcare has been amazing': Australian parents hope pandemic may pave way for reform
Permanently raising the Child Care Subsidy is an economic opportunity too good to miss
Coronavirus Australia: PM under pressure to extend free childcare
Outbreak is moment to rethink child care

Liam McNicholas