
#124 Why have ECEC services and schools been treated differently during the COVID-19 crisis?

The COVID-19 health crisis continues to affect the entire world. Governments have had to respond to the effects of this crisis in different ways, as we have seen right here in Australia. For those of us who work in early education, we’ve seen some stark differences between how ECEC services and schools have been treated when it comes to health advice, closures, funding and more. This episode, we look at those differences, think about why they’ve appeared, and how we respond as advocates both during and after this crisis.

Episode links

Juggling working from home & homeschooling (A discussion with Leanne as part of UOW Early Start online learning)
Modern Monetary Theory
Ex-premier urges states to take over childcare system in 'crisis' (SMH article)

Liam McNicholas