#95 Engaging with social justice in early education services (with Dr Red Ruby Scarlet)
This week Lisa and Liam chat with activist, artist and researcher Dr Red Ruby Scarlet about why services who work with young children should engage with issues of social justice.
Dr Red Ruby Scarlet
My Friend Has Two Mums: Gender and Sexuality in Early Childhood (Online PD)
The Anti-Bias Approach in Early Childhood (3rd Edition, Edited by Red Ruby Scarlet)
Fair’s Fair: How to Tackle Bias in Education and Care Services (Book by Red Ruby Scarlet and Lisa Bryant)
‘A joy filled experience’: Dr Red Ruby Scarlet on Mardi Gras, activism and the NQF (Interview for The Framework)
Social Justice in Early Education Facebook Group
Other Links
Leanne’s book! Challenging the Intersection of Policy with Pedagogy
Lisa’s article! Stop treating kids as cash cows
Parliamentary Inquiry into the Status of the Teaching Profession (& the transcript including testimony from Emma Murphy and Dr Jessie Jovanovic)