The Early Education Show
The main show. A fortnightly look at the policy, politics and practice of Australia’s education sector. With Lisa Bryant, Leanne Gibbs and Liam McNicholas.

Each fortnight, early childhood professionals and advocates Lisa Bryant, Leanne Gibbs and Liam McNicholas plug in their microphones, fire up Skype, and talk early childhood education in Australia for an hour or so.
We have a lot of fun doing this, and feature everything from analysing the news of the week, exploring topics of professionalism and advocacy in-depth, and scoring interviews with some of the big players in the sector.
We’ve been around since 2016, and we have over 120 episodes you can listen to. That might be a bit daunting! But don’t worry, you can listen in any order, any way you want. Hit one of the Subscribe buttons below to start listening on your mobile device, or click “Listening Guide” just below to find an episode that fits your interest.
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